Saturday, November 2, 2013

Books On Film | The Mouse and The Motorcycle

This month is going to be all about the kids. I'll talk about adaptation of some children's classics, starting with Beverly Cleary's The Mouse and The Motorcycle series.

The Mouse and The Motorcycle was published in 1965 and two sequels, Runaway Ralph (1970) and Ralph S. Mouse (1982) followed. All of the books feature a small talking mouse named Ralph, who befriends human children and gets into all sorts of adventures!

The first book was adapted into feature film in 1986, the second book as an ABC Special in 1988, and the third as a feature film in 1990. They all feature a small puppet Ralph.

The movies don't follow the books to the letter, but they are a lot of fun for young kids. The features are a bit dated and you'll have to pull out your VCR to watch them, however any kid who gets a kick of out the impossible will love Ralph!

Covers courtesy of LibraryThing.

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