Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Wanderlust Librarian | Inspired Travel

Getting lost in a good book or movie transports you to a time and place far away from where you are...but what about if what you're reading or watching inspires you to visit that place?  

Every so often, I see something that calls to me. The writing is so vibrant and rich that it not only transports me, but invites me to visit. The visuals posses me long after the movie is over. While you get ready to enjoy a pleasant Thanksgiving with your family, I'd love to share some of my favorite "Inspired Travel" choices with you.

I am a California girl, born and raised. While I've traveled a lot, one of the places that eluded me was The South. I've heard the slow, melodic accent before and was entranced...but nothing called me to the The South faster than reading Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt. In Savannah, Georgia, there are secrets inside the walls of the gorgeous homes and in the dark of the magnolia scented nights. A murder, a cover up and a drag queen add to the whispers. 

While this book took place many decades before I went to Savannah, it left its mark on my traveling heart. I was not disappointed when I finally visited!

Love, Actually is one of my favorite Christmas movies. While it's not particularly new, it shines as the star of my holiday movie watching. It has many of my favorite British actors in it...and is set in London!  There's nothing prettier than an iconic city with snow all around. I don't want to give much away, but Hugh Grant is in it. Who doesn't love Hugh Grant?

It's a lovely reminder of how magical the season is and how great love actually is (See that? See how I worked that in there?). Keep an eye out for Sheriff Rick from the Walking Dead television show. I only watch it between Thanksgiving and December 26. It's a lame rule, but I've been really strict about it!! 

I traveled to Paris before Midnight in Paris came out in theaters. This movie captures the magic and allure of Paris. The music is amazing, the characters are fun and the writing is simply charming. It makes me want to go back again! I wish the movie showed more French bakeries. I love, LOVE French bakeries. 

I read a review that Midnight in Paris was Woody Allen's "love letter to Paris". It shows the city in such a whimsical and classic way! 

Armchair travel can be just as fun as traveling to that special destination. I hope that these items and others that you may read or watch, light your path to an amazing adventure!

Adventure is out there! 


1 comment:

  1. I love Love Actually! Love Actually is actually one of my favorite movies!
