Thursday, November 29, 2012

Book Bucket List | A Long Way Gone

Ishmael Beah's biography A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier is one of my favorite books.  I first heard of this book when the author was being interviewed about it on NPR.  The author was only twenty four years old at the time and answering questions about when, over a decade previous, he was a soldier in Sierra Leone.  When he was only thirteen years old, Beah was taken from his family during Sierra Leone's civil war, and forced to be a soldier for the Sieera Leonnean government army.  I ran out and got Beah's biography, A Long Way Gone, after hearing his interview.

Beah's biography not only gives a through history of Sierra Leone, but reveals the horrors he had to live through during his three years as a child soldier.  He also goes into detail about his rescue by UNICEF and his eventual move to the United States.  After completing high school in America, Beah enrolled at Oberlin College and graduated with a degree in Political Science.

So if you're looking for a biography that you won't want to put down, check out Ishmael Beah's A Long Way Gone for a truly inspirational story.

1 comment:

  1. I read this book when it first came out and it had a strong impact on me. The fact that children are impacted in such a horrifying way is mind numbing.

    Here's a link to the NPR story:
