Saturday, April 20, 2013

Books On Film | The Social Network

The Accidental Billionaires by Ben Mezrich, written in a narrative style, details the founding and evolution of Facebook. In particular, it focuses on the relationships between the founding members of the company.

The book is based on conversations Mezrich hadwith Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin and information he gained from reading the court documents of the, then on-going, lawsuit between the two. Mark Zuckerberg refused to be interviewed for the book.

The award winning film The Social Network (2010) was based on this book, but the film should not be considered a biopic. While it follows a lot of the story laid out by Mezrich some parts of the story are heavily fictionalized for the sake of drama and storytelling. Nevertheless, the film is a very good film and if you enjoyed it you may want to take a peak at the book for the less fictionalized, but no less dramatic, version of the story.

Covers Courtesy of LibraryThing

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